Digital forensics platform Hansken winner European Public Sector Award

A milestone for Hansken on March 21st: the digital forensic platform won first prize in the 'Digital Transformation' category at the European Public Sector Awards (EPSA). A total of 151 innovative projects participated, 54 of which were presented in the digital transformation category.

The jury about Hansken

“By fostering strong collaboration among international criminal justice actors in the field of digital forensics, the Hansken team has built a unique and trusted community of Hansken users. It is wonderful to see that this international collaboration enables Hansken to continue to grow and innovate, helping an increasing number of organizations deal with digital forensic evidence,” said the EPSA jury.


Digital data is becoming increasingly important in investigations

The use of digital data increases every day. Investigative services notice this in their cases, in which they encounter more and more digital traces to investigate. The Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) started developing forensic software in 2012 to help investigative services quickly and efficiently investigate large quantities of digital evidence. Seized data carriers, such as computers and mobile phones, contain a lot of information and digital evidence. 

Hansken helps transforming digital forensics

Investigating officers have to wade through gigantic mountains of data. Hansken provides tactical investigators with an instrument that enables them to search their case data in a quick and efficient way and collaborate with digital experts on the case. Hansken automatically indexes all digital data and translates all entities into the right categories, using the Hansken trace model. Via the tactical user interface, investigators also get an in-depth insight and overview of the contents of the data they encounter in their case. Which makes it easier to quickly navigate through the traces, even if you’re not a digital expert.


International Community

Hansken has now more than proven itself and has been of great significance in many hundreds of cases. Including cases involving messages from the crypto communications service EncroChat. The platform is used by almost all investigative services in the Netherlands and is now being (further) developed and used by a global community of law enforcement partners. Together we are continuously working on innovations, such as the use of AI in the platform. This also allows you to search for objects in photos, for example. In this way, the investigation services of different countries help each other with knowledge and innovation that is already available.