Dutch Hansken partners signed new agreement for 3 years
February 8 2024 was a festive day for Hansken: that day we gathered with 10 Dutch Hansken partners at the Netherlands Forensic Institute to sign new cooperation agreements for the upcoming three years.

Together with the Netherlands Police, the Netherlands Fiscal Information and Investigation Service, the ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, the Netherlands Labour Authority, the Netherlands Food and Consumer Authority, the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate, the Netherlands Public Prosecution Service, the Rijksrecherche, the Royal Marechaussee and of course the Netherlands Forensic Institute, we have declared to have complete confidence in a future with Hansken!
The relevance of Hansken in the field of Digital Forensics
We had the honor that Felix Nijpels, strategic digital specialist at the police and gifted speaker, wanted to deliver our key note speech. He enlightened us with a well-substantiated narrative about developments in the world of Digital Forensics including the explanation why Hansken’s role is so important. For example, because Hansken - and this is a very important aspect - is not a 'black box', but completely forensically measured and transparant, unlike so many other (commercial) tools. And another thing, taking the new legislation regarding AI into account, as a criminal justice chain and Special Investigation Services there is great value in focusing on one joint platform instead of a variety of instruments.

Celebrating with the Community
And this year we could celebrate this moment together! Three years ago, during COVID, this ceremonial session took place in a much smaller setting and of course with 1,5 meter distance from each other. This year, there was room to celebrate with delegates from the entire Community. With almost 90 people present, it was great to see so much enthusiasm. So, from all Dutch partners, we welcomed business owners, developers, but also investigators who work with Hansken, case operators and digital experts. And international partners had shared a quote or a video to show their commitment; thank you so much for that!

Exhibition Hansken cartoons
To give those present an even better idea of our current orgniasation of Hansken, we had a special exhibition: a number of Hansken cartoons by Jörgen Bodde, a NFI Hansken developer from the very beginning and former product owner. Over the years, he has developed a very characteristic Hansken cartoon of which he released a new version every sprint. For this ceremony, he created suitable cartoons that symbolize the different Hansken Boards.
All in all, it has been a festive and enjoyable ceremony that makes us face the future with a positive and constructive mind!
Photos: photo service NFI and Kristien Siemons