Hansken goes abroad
Hansken has recently appeared at several international events. During seminars and presentations, Hansken's progress has been presented and discussed. Amongst others, we have been present at the EuCB in Stockholm, DFRWS USA in Baltimore, the LegalAIIA in Portugal and the ENFSI meeting in Lausanne. And we are also working towards new international presence, like the Forensic Experts Forum of Europol, the ICDDF in Birmingham and the DFRWS APAC 2023 in Singapore.
Europol – European Clearing Board (EUCB), Stockholm
Harm van Beek and Jeroen Venema (NFI) attended the EuCB 2023 in Stockholm where they presented Hansken’s vision on the need and relevance of an international community in the transformation of digital forensics.
About the EuCB
The European Clearing Board (EuCB) is quite new. The aim of the EuCB is to set up working groups in finding solutions for technical challenges on both strategic and tactical level in European Law Enforcement. The EuCB was established in November 2020 as a working group of the Heads of the National Europol Desks (HENUs). It is an essential part of Europol's innovation lab. Main goals of the EuCB:
- Exchange experiences with colleagues across Europe facing similar challenges.
- Jointly develop and share solutions and methods, avoiding duplication of effort.
- Contribute to being able to respond with a universal voice from the police services to Europe.
Legal Professionals in the Digital Workplace (LegalAIIA) 2023, Portugal
This event provided a platform for examining questions regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Intelligent Assistance (IA), also known as Augmented Intelligence. For legal tasks, including those related to legal practitioners’ interaction with digital information. Hans Henseler, senior scientist digital forensics at the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), presented the paper ‘ChatGPT as a Copilot for Investigating Digital Evidence’ that he published together with Harm van Beek, senior digital forensic scientist and court expert at the NFI. The focus of the presentation was a better understanding of the interaction between AI/IA and human capabilities, using Hansken as an example.
ENFSI FITWG annual meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland
The annual meeting of the Forensic IT Working Group (FITWG) from the European Network of Forensic Institutes (ENFSI), June 6-9, was hosted by the School of Criminal Justice (ESC) at the University of Lausanne (UNIL). It was the 25th meeting since it’s foundation in 1998. The NFI and UNIL hosted a 4 hour Hansken Workshop teaching the Hansken Query Language, Hansken Trace model and hands-on exercises on visualizing digital forensic traces using Hansken Python API.
DFRWS USA 2023, Baltimore
Together with Quintin Walters from MITRE, Harm van Beek and Mattijs Ugen (both NFI) conducted the workshop ‘Providing Digital Forensics as a Service (DFaaS) with code notebooks’ on Sunday July 9th at the DFRWS USA. MITRE is the R&D partner for Hansken in the USA. In this joint workshop, attendees could experience how easy it can be to develop programming solutions for processing, visualizing and reporting data under investigation and share these solutions across investigators, cases and organizations.
And looking forward:
Forensic Experts Forum 2023 Conference, The Hague/hybrid
The Forensic Experts Forum brings together all relevant players within law enforcement, Forensic Institutes, projects and academia to exchange knowledge, expertise and experience, but also to identify new trends, developments and best practices in digital forensics. FEF 2023 will be a two-day hybrid conference. It will take place at Europol’s Headquarters in the Hague and online from the 14-15 September 2023. Harm van Beek and Hans Henseler will present a case study: ‘Enhancing Digital Forensic Investigations with Advanced AI: A Case Study with ChatGPT’.
ICDDF 2023, Birmingham
September 25-28, some Hansken delegates will travel to Birmingham to attend the ICDDF (International Communications Data & Digital Forensics, invitation only event). There will be an in-depth introduction of Hansken, including a demo and discussion about the way Hansken contributes to the transformation of the field of digital forensics.
DFRWS APAC 2023 Singapore
The 3rd annual DFRWS APAC 2023 Conference will be held 17-20 October 2023, as an in-person conference run concurrently with attendees participating in both Singapore and Hong Kong. Hans Henseler, senior scientist digital forensics at the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), will be there to present a workshop on ‘Prompt Engineering and Retrieval Augmented Generation for Digital Forensics’ in collaboration with the Nanyang Technical University, TAU Express and the Singapore Academy of Law. This workshop is a follow up to the paper on ChatGPT as a co-pilot that was presented in June at the LegalAIIA workshop in Portugal.