Hands-on with Hansken at the Cybercrime Congress 2021
In recent months, multiple court decisions appeared where EncroChat and the 'Encro-hacking' were important key elements. During the Cybercrime Congress 2021 of the BijzonderStrafrecht.nl Academy that took place in December 2021, encryption (PGP keys), cryptophones, EncroChat and 'Encro-hacking' were therefore the central issues.

Last year it was announced that the Dutch and French police managed to crack and take over tens of millions of messages from the encrypted chat service EncroChat. The (increasing) use of encryption, for example by PGP keys, presents a new challenge for the practice of criminal law. Both for the law enforcement and for the defence.
Processing digital data in Hansken
During the workshop 'Hands-on with Hansken', Hans Henseler and Harm van Beek provided insights into how this digital data is processed in Hansken while preserving the forensic quality. Part of the workshop was a live demonstration of new features within Hansken, for example searching for the same faces in images and for classifications of scenes in video. Hans Henseler, Digital Forensic Advisor at the NFI and Lecturer in digital forensics & e-discovery at Leiden University, presented together with Harm van Beek, Senior Digital Forensic Scientist at the NFI, the way of working and innovating with and within Hansken.