09 November Hansken at the Dex-EU
Activities data
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- NBC Congrescentrum Nieuwegein
What is Hansken working on? What added value does Hansken provide? Visit us at the DEX-EU and find out!
There will be four Hansken workshops that you can visit. It is possible to register at the Hansken stand:
1. Hansken Query Language Tips and Tricks
- Time: 12.00 – 12.40
- Room: S72.1
- Level: **
- Language: English
- Law Enforcement Only: No
- Speakers: Harm van Beek and Hans Henseler
In this workshop we will explain the Hansken trace and data model. Harm and Hans will demonstrate how to write queries in the Hansken Query Language (HQL). During the demonstration they will also give tips and tricks in the Hansken Expert UI and the Tactical UI. We welcome questions and hope that this will be an interactive workshop.
2. Analysing Digital Evidence in Hansken with Python
- Time: 13.00 – 13.40
- Room: S73.1N
- Level: ***
- Language: English
- Law Enforcement Only: Yes
- Speakers: Dion Varossieau and Hans Henseler
In this workshop you will learn how to develop python scripts that retrieve the information via the Hansken.py API and how to modify traces by using the Hansken trace model. Participants are expected to have experience with writing and understanding Python scripts.
3. HUIB, the Hansken User Interface of Binnenlandse zaken
- Time: 14.00 – 15.00
- Room: S.HUIB
- Level: *
- Language: Dutch
- Law Enforcement Only: yes
- Speakers: Martin and Pim
Het ministerie van BZK is sinds enkele jaren bezig een user-interface te maken voor Hansken, het forensische big-data platform. BZK heeft daarbij een compleet andere manier van werken met Hansken bedacht en gemaakt. Met deze UI is een eenvoudigere blik op data mogelijk die aansluit bij de de manier van onderzoeken zoals dat in andere forensische pakketten ook plaatsvindt. Daarnaast zijn er veel concepten en technieken toegevoegd die het onderzoeken van data voor de forensisch onderzoeker, een analist of een rechercheur eenvoudiger maken. Deze UI is binnenkort beschikbaar voor de hele Hansken community en is voor gebruikers variërend van beginner tot gevorderde.
And part of the online program:
4. Hansken Digital Forensics as a Service (9 nov, 14h30)
- Date November 9th
- Time: 14.30 – 15:10
- Level: *
- Language: English
- Law Enforcement Only: Yes
- Speakers: Hans Henseler and Dion Varossieau
Digital data and deduced digital traces play a continuously growing role in investigations and the furnishing of proof in crime cases. The volume, variety and variation of this data grow rapidly. As a result, there is a serious shortage of digital forensic knowledge and a growing need for new knowledge to handle this growth. Hansken is designed to give access to and insight in digital data and traces originating from seized and demanded material. In recent years, this DFaaS platform has been implemented at the Dutch National Police and the Dutch Fiscal Information and Investigation Service, and others. In this workshop we will explain DFaaS concepts, demonstrate Hansken and give an update on the Hansken Academy, Hansken Roadmap, Collaboration with Academia and the (growing) International Hansken Community.