Hansken Events

Within the Hansken Community, we find it very important to regularly stay in touch with our partners. Therefore, we set up a steady rythmn of hybrid meetings and events for all international Hansken users to join when they have the time. 

Hansken Update Hour (HUH)

Every three weeks on a Thursday, we have the Hansken Update Hour. This is a hybrid hour via MS Teams where (international) partners can dial in to see what developments are being worked on and what subjects will follow in the upcoming three weeks. 

Hansken users are also very welcome to join the HUH offline, at the NFI in The Hague. Are you a Hansken partner and interested in visiting us? Send us a message via the contact form and we will get back to you.

Hansken Quarterly

During the Hansken Quarterly we share what is happening within and around the Hansken Community. This event takes place every three months on a location in the Netherlands. Offline, but with a hybrid morning program. It is meant for all licensed Hansken users, partner academia and organisations that are running a PoC. Attendees learn what's new in Hansken and what the Community is working on. But also trends in digital forensics, best practices, tips and tricks and other news regarding the data-analysis platform will be featured.


The Hansken.io (input/output) is an annual meeting for all partners and only offline. We organize two days of networking and sharing knowledge on a special location. In the past Hansken.io's (and Quarterly's), we've seen a growth in numver of attendees, organisations and partner countries.

The main goal of the .io is to connect with eachother and get to know other community members. So, networking and leisure are also an important part of the meeting. 

Because in the field of digital forensics we all have the same goal: discovering the right evidence in the ever-growing sea of digital data. Hansken can help with that. Especially if we all contribute and stay in touch.

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